martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013


Steven Paul Jobs (San Francisco, California, February 24, 1955 - Palo Alto, California, October 5, 2011), 8 September 10, 11 better known as Steve Jobs was an entrepreneur and business mogul in the computer industry and U.S. entertainment industry. He was co-founder and CEO of Apple subsections 12 and maximum individual shareholder of The Walt Disney Company.  (Isaacson, W. (2011).)
Isaacson, W. (2011). 
Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple innovated lifetime, consumption and revolutionized the way society thinks about technology. Here are some of the many inventions that changed the world.

They are among the accomplishments of this genius who left us some 313 inventions that many of them revolutionized the way we live and interact with technology and the world. Considering his achievements in front of Apple and Pixar chose 8 great inventions:

In 1984, a young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh, which at the time won several awards for best design. (Photo: BBC)
In 1984 the Apple IIc shows in San Francisco. (Photo: AP)
In 1998 introduced the first iMac. (Photo: BBC)
One of the most innovative and revolutionary iPod brand was introduced in 2001. (Photo: BBC)
In 2007, Jobs introduced the new Apple TV. (Photo: BBC)
Also in 2007 comes another of the most acclaimed of the brand: the iPhone, which promised to revolutionize the mobile phone.
Then came the world's thinnest laptop, the MacBook Air. (Photo: BBC)
One of the latest products presented was the iPad in January 2010. (Iglesias, F.)

The 'Tablet' stood in the technology market between smartphones and laptops, because it has no physical keyboard. It is fully touch. It has a camera, internet access, app store, a 9.7-inch Wi-Fi, among other features.
In the same year, the company established in Cupertino comes appears again to show the iPhone 4. This version has two cameras, is lighter and thinner, a new design, ability to create video, retina display screen and app store, among other features.
In this year, specifically on March 2, Steve Jobs unveils the second version of the iPad. The iPad 2. This gadget comes with other camera for videoconferencing, a more slender and renewed, App Store, new applications integrated into their famous app store, and a new cover called 'Smartcover' that besides protecting the screen can be used as a base or bracket.
These technological inventions have changed not only the industry but also the forms of communication the world is now more interconnected than ever. Now Tim Cook is Apple's head, and introduced the iPhone 4S, just waiting for things to come for the company.

  These words were written in capital letters in the eulogy of The New York Times.100
In the two weeks following his death the Apple filed a Web page Jobs name, date of birth and death and a portrait in black and white. Clicking on the image obituary appeared saying
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost a wonderful human being. Those who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a great friend, mentor and inspiration. Steve has left behind a company that only he could create, but his spirit will always live in Apple.( Escriche, R).


1-       Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs. La biografía. Random House Mondadori.
Steve Jobs. (Los Altos, California, 1955 - Los Ángeles, 2011) Informático y empresario estadounidense. Padre del primer ordenador personal (el Apple I)

2-       Iglesias, F. (2012). Steve Jobs: Apple, el mejor invento de Jobs. Macworld España: la publicación para los usuarios del Mac, el iPhone y el iPod, (222), 58-62.

Los 8 mejores inventos de Steve Jobs - Loqueva

Elegí cuál es para vos el invento más revolucionario y que más modificó nuestro...Etiquetas: steve jobs apple iphone ipad mac imac macintosh inventos muerte.

3-      Escriche, R. (2011). El último bocado a la manzana de Steve Jobs.

La transformación de Apple desde la muerte de Steve Jobs en 7

13/08/2013 - La muerte de Steve Jobs, fundador de Apple y admirado gurú de la creatividad e innovación venerado por la comunidad tecnológica, supuso 
Anxiety in  the classsrom

1.The research problem is that students feel anxious during the learning process and it impedes students to acquire a successful learning.
2  anxiety         Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is considered to be a situational anxiety experienced in the well-defined situation of the foreign language classroom (MacIntyre & Gardner, 1991a, 1991b, 1994). According to Horwitz, Horwitz and cope (1991) possible causes of FLCA are communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.
3   problem statement Some students are unsuccessful in learning a foreign language, anxiety is a big obstacle that prevents learners from concentrating and participating in classroom activities.

    Learners from Cecilia de Lleras school, at sixth grade, when attending English lessons, feel less successful and  experience extensive nervousness while having to speak in front of their classmates, some even have the urge to skip class rather than risk being laughed at . Others become so anxious that they begin to sweat and feel nausea.
  4   pupose statement The aim of this study will be to explore the causes of feelings is to Foreign Language Classroom anxiety (FLCA) and how it affects their learning processes. This research will be carried out at the Institución Educativa Cecilia de Lleras; the population will be 38 students from sixth grade. Questionnaires and interviews will be used to collect data. This study will be about how anxiety affects the learning process of sixth grade students from Cecilia de Lleras School when attending English classes. Teachers and students participated in this study, they helped us to understand how this phenomenon occurs in real time and made us conscious as future teachers to what we are going to face with our students.

5     significance of the study    This study will be important for English learners because it encourages them to be more active and control nervousness, anxiety in order to learn in a better way. This study will help English language teachers to create more dynamic classes to male students feel relaxed and in the best attitude to learn.
6.    method It was an intrinsic case study, because the anxiety for the study was one of interest in the particular case itself. This places the research solidly within the qualitative domain and more specifically within the tradition of case study research, which, as Creswell (1998, p. 61) notes, involves “an exploration of a “bounded system” or a case (or multiple cases) over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information rich in context”.

In view of the unexplored areas of FLCA, the following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

        What are the attitudes that learners have when attending English classes?
        How can anxiety hinder the English Learning Process?
        What are the causes that influence the anxiety of the students in a foreign language classroom?


Michael Eysenck, (1990). New Zealand Journal of Psychology, December 1995

Eysenck, (1957). New Zealand Journal of Psychology, December 1995

McCroskey, (1970). Second language research methods

Eysenck, (1979). A map of the terrain, p.9

Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Eysenck, (1957). New Zealand Journal of Psychology, December 1995

Seliger, H., W & Shohamy, E. (1989). Second language research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Express

Von Worde, (2003) Overcoming fear of speaking in English through meaningful activities: A study with teenagers, January 08th, 2008

Spielberger, (1983) p. 1. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2001)21, 112 _126, Cambridge University Press.

Von Eckartsberg, (1998). Cited in Garza, 2007, p.314.

Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986). Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2001) 21, 112 _126.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

el abc es muy facil de aprender

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